Links to further useful resources
Wide range of creation care worship resources
Resources to help you hold a themed service
Exciting new resource helps church's get ready to declare a climate emergency
Church of England National Site
Twitter @CofEEnvironment
A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world.
Twitter @ARochaInt
Ecochurch is an initiative by A Rocha which recognises the work of churches who wish to demonstrate that the Gospel is good news for God's Earth.
Caring for God's Acre is a charity which works with Churches to enhance biodiversity in churchyards through sympathetic management.
Green Christian is a charity which offers insights into ecology and the environment to Christian people and Church and offers Christian insights into the Green movement.
Twitter @GreenChristian_
Hope for the Future is organisations which helps people to engage with their MP on the subject of climate change.
Operation Noah is a Christian charity working within the Church to inspire action on climate change.
Twitter @OperationNoah
Joy in Enough is a campaign for a fair and sustainable economy, led by Green Christian and supported by partner organisations.