Greening the Lectionary

A Theological Response to the Ecological Crisis: Reflections, Reviews, Comment.

Calls to Worship

Opening Responses

Suitable for Evening or Night Prayer 

Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the universe.
Your word brings on the dusk of evening.

Your wisdom creates both night and day.
You determine the cycles of time.

You arrange the succession of seasons and establish the stars in their heavenly courses.
The Lord of hosts is your name.

Living and eternal God, rule over us always.
Blessed be the Lord, whose word makes evening fall.


God's presence and ours 

Creator of the cosmos, of eternity and time:
Be with us in this time

Saviour of the world, healer of the nations:
Be with us in this place

Breath of all that lives, of people near and far
Stir within our lives

God of here and now: Be present in our worship,
that we may find new ways
to be present in your world.

Iona Abbey Worship Book ISBN 1-901557-50-2

Thanksgivings and Calls to Worship

Call A (Inspired by Genesis 1; quotes from verses 1:1 & 31, NIV)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Creator God, you formed our universe from a shapeless void;
You fashioned the planets and forged the stars;
You established the seasons and determined life’s rightful order:
Creator God, we worship you!

Word of Life, you spoke over your creation and made it live;
You painted nature into beautiful colour;
You stirred seas and rivers to song;
You called forth creatures of every shape and size:
Word of Life, we respond to you!

Spirit of Life, you gathered the dust of the earth and made a man and a woman;
You breathed life into them, that they might know you;
You filled your earth with tribes and nations;
You entrusted your precious world to us your family:
Spirit of Life, we receive you!

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
Almighty God, today we celebrate the good gift of your creation;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
today we rejoice in the gift of relationship with you.

Lyndall Bywater


Call B

In the beginning before time,
before people, before the world began,
God was.

Here and now,
among us, beside us,
enlisting the people of earth for the purposes of heaven,
God is.

In the future,
when we have turned to dust
and all we know has found its fulfilment,
God will be.

Not denying the world but delighting in it,
not understanding the world, but redeeming it,
through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
God was, God is, God will be.


Call C

Sisters and brothers, rejoice. We are sustained and nourished by God's presence and love.
Thanks be to God.

As we mourn the distress and wounds of God's creation,
God weeps with us.

As we face rising waters, hunger and displacement.
God suffers with us.

As we struggle for justice,
God struggles with us.

As we expose and challenge climate justice
God empowers us.

As we strive to build alternative communities,
God works with us.

As we offer our gifts to all,
God blesses us.

Sisters and brothers, rejoice, Sustained by God's presence and love
We worship God.